Tap into our worldwide audience while we monetize your game with industry-best terms.
Monthly players
Players based in the North
To developers for licensed games
Monthly unique game starts
We have built more than 100+ partnerships with media companies, growing our audience through their websites. Launching with Arkadium means your game will be playable on our network.
We're looking to license or publish existing and upcoming games. Learn the difference and choose the best option for you.
Find a larger audience for your existing game.
Pitch your game for support via Arkadium’s Publishing Fund.
Find a larger audience for your existing game.
Pitch your game for support via Arkadium’s Publishing Fund.
Submit your game initiates our internal review process.
Our team of experts evaluates your game’s design, performance viability and technical specs.
If your game is approved, we’ll sign a licensing agreement with you. You’ll begin integrating our SDK.
A dedicated Game Producer will work with you to launch your game and set you up in our system.
Get revenue, valuable feedback and analytics for your game as players around the world enjoy it.
Since 2001, Arkadium has developed and launched games as a family-owned and operated business. We know games and have a deep respect for the people who make them. And that’s because we’re right there with you! Let us help your game generate revenue with the help of more than 2 decades of experience, hundreds of trusted partners, and our dedicated SDK.
of our 90+ employees are game developers
games built and launched by us
countries where our team drives innovation
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